A series of winter storms have stopped work over the last few weeks.
However I have been plating out some Ox-Eye Daisy. There was quite a bit of Ox-Eye Daisy in the wildflower meadow when I first seeded it in 2005, but it has gradually dies out - probably because I have not been harrowing hard enough to make lots of bare earth after cutting the hay, and not cutting short enough in the autumn.
So I have been creating patches of red grass with Roundup in the autumn. I am then planting these areas up with plug ox-eye daisy that I grew from seed last autumn. This area was planted up this weekend.
It is best to plant in January or February as the root systems grow during the cold weather even if the tops only show static green shoots. The plugs grow roots up to 20cm long!
This is one of the areas that I planted out last year. As you can see there is a vigorous growth of daisy, which had good flowers last year. I am hoping that the new mowing regime with harrowing and autumn cuts with the ride on mower will enable these patches to survive, and even spread.