Thursday 2 January 2020

New Year's resolution 2020 - Reinstate the blog!

OK. So New Year's resolution 2020 is to reinstate the 'Woodland and Wildflower Meadow' blog.
The clearance around the pond mentioned in my last post was now some time ago, so I thought that this would be good place to start. In early 2018 I dug out the pond, which had become very silted up as the inlet from the stream (which is actually more of a farmland run-off ditch) is upstream of the pond - which means that debris and silt coming down the stream settles in the pond. So I used the diggings to create an upstream dam so that the water in the pond is now a back flow through a porous bank which I have planted with yellow iris (the porous bank is on the right of the photo). Hopefully this will act as a filter and mean that there is less sediment in the pond in future.

I have also raised the water level in the pond a few inches by putting in a dam. Although, as you may be able to see, there is water coming under the dam at present and I need to puddle in some clay to seal it.

The green in the pond is grass - which has gained a foothold as the last two summers have been so dry. I was hoping that once waterlogged it would die off - but it actually looks very healthy. Maybe I will have to get the waders on to pull it up, which does not sound like a very pleasant winter task!

The majority of the bank around the pond still has cover for animals and I have made log piles as shelter for frogs, toads and newts.

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