Tuesday, 31 August 2021

Let there be light

 I am trying to increase the plant interest of the hedgerow between the wildflower meadow and the woodland. To allow light in to the seedlings at the bottom of the hedge I am cutting the long grass that is blocking the light from reaching the developing plants. 

The front bar cutting mower allows a cut close to the hedge:

Once cut the grass needs to be dragged out from the hedge. The hay rake is ideal for t hi s:

Once dragged out the grass is rolled up using the rake, and then the pitchfork is ideal for picking up the roll to lug to the grass heap:

The end result is that the plants at the bottom of the hedge, such as Red campion, self heal and garlic mustard, get a chance to grow.

Friday, 27 August 2021

Going bats

Two bat boxes were occupied within about 6 weeks of being put up. One is south facing, the other west facing to get the evening sun.

Signs of occupation were so good that I had to put up a shelf to catch the bat droppings.

Such a good illustration of the benefit of making space for nature. Create the right environment and wildlife will take advantage of  it.

Monday, 16 August 2021

Summer nectar source

 Hemp agrimony seems to be a great nectar source now that there are no wildflowers in the meadow. There were 5 Red Admirals and lots of bumble bees feeding in this photo.

I have been growing some more Agrimony from last years seed and they are now outgrowing their pots.

So I have been planting them out in groups. Preparing the ground by either digging an area or using Roundup to decrease competition from coarse grasses.

It may be a bit soon to plant out as the ground was rock solid and I will have to carry water to keep them going through the rest of the summer. However, if I can keep them watered they will have a good long time to get established before winter.

I found this leopard slug under one of the pots.

Thursday, 5 August 2021

Turning of the year

 Cutting the meadow is always a happy/sad time. Sad to see the departure of such a vibrant plant and insect community. Happy that we are literally sowing the seeds of next year’s explosion of life.