Saturday, 12 February 2022

Expertise from Woodland Trust

 I have come across this recently published manual from the Woodland Trust - the "Woodland Creation Guide".

It is pretty detailed (more than 300 pages) and is definitely not 'light reading'. It made me start reflecting on what I would do differently if starting again today:

1) I would pay more attention to the edges of the woodland and not plant 'future big' trees (such as oak and beech) near the woodland edges. I am correcting this now by selective thinning - leaving the smaller trees (such as service, wayfaring, hawthorn) around the edges, but I could have saved myself some work by panning this from the beginning.

2) I would not use plastic tree protectors, plastic mulch mats and tannalised stakes. There is no good evidence that these additions make the trees grow better, and they will give long term low level plastic and microplastic pollution. I have tried to mitigate the negative environmental impact by constructing 'bug hotels' (see past posts) out of the tree protectors and stakes.

3) I would have planted less trees - I used 1m centres which is way too close. 3m apart if probably about right.

If you are thinking of planting a woodland this guide is a 'must read'.

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